Keep Your Cool: Outdoor Wedding Tips
Summertime — and outdoor wedding planning is far from easy!
You definitely need some quick outdoor wedding tips! If you plan to hold your ceremony and/or reception outside, you’re not alone. Many of my clients from Utah and Colorado choose the great outdoors since it’s the perfect backdrop for exchanging vows. Imagine beautiful mountains, green trees and maybe even a shoreline of a reservoir or small lake in the background. All of these make beautiful and lasting impressions on your guests and in your photos. With a bit of luck, Mother Nature may gift you some fluffy afternoon Colorado clouds (but no rain!) to make an even more perfect scene.
Consider the Details
Holding an outdoor event may seem a simple thing to do, but there are many considerations before you get started. For example, if you’re hosting a backyard event, did you think about checking your lawn sprinkler settings? How about where guests will park? Or whether your flowers can stand up to the heat? Paying attention to a few details makes all the difference in how you and your guests experience the day. Little things like applying sunscreen, managing the bugs and staying hydrated go a long way in creating a day to remember.
Watch the Video with 14 Outdoor Wedding Tips
To get you started on your summer outdoor wedding planning, I’ve put together a 57-second video (click on the play button above) packed with 14 tips. Implementing a few of these suggestions will help you keep your summer cool. Many of the examples came from events I attended/or photographed–like the time the sprinklers went on just after the main event–really. After viewing, leave any of your tips that I missed in the comments section below. I always enjoy learning from my readers. Thanks!