Vow Inspiration
Take Inspiration from “These Hands”
What to say, what to say, what to say?
The stress of telling your partner the depth of your love without sounding (insert adjective) corny, dramatic, or otherwise can make vow writing overwhelming.
And, the thought of doing so publicly can quickly turn loving thoughts into those filled with anxiety.
Fortunately, if you’re not a modern Shakespeare, there are many sources of vow inspiration.
Six Sources of Vow Inspiration:
- Cite a passage from your favorite novel, quotations, or works of poetry
- Draw inspiration from a favorite song as a starting point for writing personal vows
- Go back to your favorite children’s books to find great ways of communicating emotions in a simple way
- Ask your officiant for traditional vows that may play well with something personal or even funny that you add
- Consult with Pinterest boards and choose bits and pieces of many vows and craft them into your own
- Hire someone to help you write something personal and tasteful
For my husband and I, our minister from the YMCA of the Rockies provided an arsenal of vow inspiration put together from many years of experience. We decided our short ceremony would include a few select pieces that spoke to us about our relationship. One piece, in particular, seemed to say it all in a concise way. I do not have an attribution for this piece, so to the author, wherever you are, I graciously say thank you.
These Are the Hands
These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow and forever.
These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future.
These are the hands that with the slightest touch will comfort you like no other.
These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief wracks your heart and mind.
These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes, tears of sorrow and tears of joy.
These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children.
These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one.
These are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.
I wish you much joy as you prepare for your ceremony.
Additional vow inspiration links:
- 10 Vow Tips You Need to Read Before Writing Your Own (the Knot)
- How to Write Wedding Vows (Martha Stewart)