Cast with Dungeons and Dragons Style Costumes at an offbeat wedding.

Photos of Offbeat Epic D&D, Heavy Metal Wedding Published

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Offbeat Wedding Inspiration

I give my offbeat couples credit for their inspiration and ability to reinterpret weddings. They not only make the wedding experience their own, they often turn the traditional wedding concept completely on its head.

And it really says something when an online publication like Offbeat Wed takes notice.

Recently, one of the weddings I photographed in Salt Lake City received press from Offbeat Wed featuring the bride and groom’s Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) themed, heavy metal wedding.

Here’s some of the scoop:

For Eleora and Henry, Dungeons & Dragons meant more than just a game, it was a lifestyle.

The bride played D&D since she was 12 — her dad Dungeon-mastered a group for her and her best girlfriends.

Later, she met her future husband Henry through D&D. Apparently, Henry’s amazing Dungeon Master skills inspired Eleora to ask him out on a date.

Since the couple developed the most amazing friendships and family relationships through D&D, it made sense to make it their wedding theme.

They even picked character classes for the event: Eleora, a Paladin, and Henry, a Wizard.

You might wonder about the heavy metal part of this experience. Since heavy metal played a big role in the couple’s life, the couple asked the best man’s band Visigoth to play at the wedding. So the band and guests all got on stage and enjoyed a heavy metal show that finished off the wedding night.

You can read more about Eleora’s and Henry’s wedding on Offbeat Wed, a popular online publication catered to nontraditional wedding planning. I highly recommend checking out the publication archives. The site provides great inspiration, diversity, and a great community.

Gallery Sampler

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the D&D wedding event. To get the full story, go to Offbeat Wed for details.


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